As a new committee modeled after STRIDE (an initiative focused on removing implicit bias from faculty recruitment and selection), the RISE Committee aims to build respect and inclusion in academic workplace climates.

RISE offers an interactive workshop on climate, “Raising Respect,” to campus leaders (broadly defined). The workshop is evidence-based and action-oriented, presenting both data and concrete strategies. The first segment reviews research, conducted at U-M and beyond, to make a case for caring about respectful workplace climates. The remainder of the workshop is discussion-based, addressing steps leaders can take to cultivate more respectful and inclusive climates in their units.

To facilitate a virtual community for campus leaders thinking about climate issues during the pandemic, RISE turned to sharing electronic resources, both through its “RISE Together” message campaign and through its redesigned virtual “Raising Respect” workshop that now includes video resources and online interactive components. See the RISE Committee’s page on the ADVANCE website for climate-themed resources.