Strategies & Progress

Learn about an array of DEI initiatives from leaders across campus

A selection of campuswide initiatives aimed at advancing DEI strategic efforts are highlighted in this video, representing a sampling of the 37 campuswide action items and central infrastructure supporting the DEI Strategic Plan.

Major Campuswide Action Items: Progress to Date

The 37 campuswide action items represent a major institutional investment in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and serve as both inspiration and infrastructure for the 50 unit-based DEI strategic plans. In Year Four, these synergistic, broad-impact initiatives continued to provide the centrally administered programs, consolidated resources, activities and guiding expertise essential to the success of every unit plan. By pairing highly specific initiatives with each of the three overarching strategies, the campuswide action items enable the university to promote lasting change and assure that every unit will have the resources to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive learning community.

In addition, we invite you to explore selected highlights from various unit DEI plans. Intended to serve as examples of current DEI efforts, these “spotlight” summaries represent only a small fraction of campuswide achievements in Year Four.

Link to an interactive dashboard to explore 2,492 unit action items from Year Four encompassed in the 50 unit-based strategic plans.

Notes on Year Four Progress Summaries

Link to each overarching strategy to view capsule summaries of activities and progress to date. Each item includes a statement detailing planned actions along with a brief progress update and the name of the accountable office. It’s important to note that all central campus action items require ongoing collaboration among many offices and individuals. Along with the programs and initiatives outlined below, the plan also encompasses an array of existing DEI-related efforts—described later in this report—in which the university continues to invest.

As always, strategies and actions are being implemented in strict accordance with the law and university policy.

Overarching Strategies

The Strategic Plan for DEI is guided by three overarching strategies.

These strategies, and the campuswide actions and individual unit plans that emerged from them, are intended to help our entire institution move forward in a meaningful, intentional and thoughtful way to create a community in which every individual can thrive.

overarching strategy one

Create an Inclusive and Equitable Campus Climate

overarching strategy two

Recruit, Retain and Develop a Diverse Community

overarching strategy three

Support Innovative, Inclusive Scholarship & Teaching

"The DEI program has been an eye opening experience for me"

— Ife Owolabi, Graduate Student
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Metrics & Reporting

To assure accountability and transparency, the Five-Year DEI Strategic Plan calls for systems that track key metrics and engage the campus in annual reporting on progress against stated goals.

View more metrics & reporting