The university will establish a new full-time position for a screen reader testing expert. This individual will have responsibility for testing the accessibility of web pages for all U-M campuses, U-M Google apps, and the university’s core online systems such as enrollment or employment. Additional tests will be conducted in the Canvas environment, in collaboration with the Assistive Technology Higher Education Network (ATHEN).

Year Four Progress

Throughout the fiscal year, the Digital Information Accessibility Coordinator (DIAC) worked collaboratively with ITS and other units as an “accessibility team” to complete reviews. Together, they created and broadly disseminated resources aimed at helping units conduct online reviews and remediate their electronic and digital materials. These resources included in-person training, online tools, and how-to documents containing general guidance and helpful hints. In addition, the accessibility team used fiscal-year grant funding to hire an intern who assisted with numerous efforts to increase digital accessibility, including reviews of university web resources.

Responsibility: Office for Institutional Equity